Friday, August 16, 2013

Converting Kindle eBooks to PDF on Mac OS X

If you’re like me, you enjoy saving money (and space) by using eBooks. Amazon offers nearly everything you would want in the eBook format (.AZW) and many of the offerings don’t even have DRM these days. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you can easily access the books wherever you go or how you want. You are generally limited to using the Kindle-specific apps and don’t have flexibility in printing pages or converting via text to speech to MP3 for listening while driving.

If your eBooks happen to have DRM, simply follow the instructions here to get rid of the eBook DRM (note: if it is legal for you in your country - this is not legal advise, simply instructional information!).

Once you have a DRM-free eBook in .AZW format, use the service provided by to convert to PDF (or other format).

Amazon eBooks are located in the My Kindle Content folder under ~/Library/Application Support/Kindle. The entire path (if using the Finder Go -> Go to Folder… menu) is:

~/Library/Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content/

Remember, paying for your eBooks is a must. Piracy is lame and with the very small volume of books sold (especially when compared to other media like movies and music), not paying for eBooks is a sure way to reduce the books available to us all!


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