In case you (like ME) missed the news, Apple has opened OS X betas to consumers who join the Beta Seed Program. Previously limited to developers, this programs aims to assist both Apple and power users by providing more testers that can report issues as they are discovered (through a bigger range of testing) and shortening the release cycle for fixes. After joining the program, consumers have the ability to test drive pre-release versions of software and use the new Feedback Assistant to report bugs. While these pre-release versions might have issues that require a full erase-and-restore operation, some of us are willing to take that risk to have advance access to new features.
At this time it is not specifically stated which betas consumers have access to, but it is my educated guess that it will strictly be bug fixes and minor pre-releases. I would not expect to see a developer seed of 10.10 at the same time it is offered to developers after next week’s WWDC.
Join or Login - Apple’s Beta Seed Program
Learn more about the Beta Seed Program